[asterisk-embedded] AA50 File System
2009-11-29 04:19:20 UTC
Hello all...

Does any know how to access the file system via IP on the AA50? I am interested in the voice mail folder to display and access VMs on a custom touch panel display system.
(maybe AGI?)

btw: not sure if this is available via dev kit.., not a registered developer with Digium as of yet....

thanks - lou
Karl Schmutz
2009-11-29 04:22:37 UTC
You need to enable ssh via advanced options in the web gui. From there you can get to anything you need.

----- Original Message -----
From: asterisk-embedded-bounces at lists.digium.com <asterisk-embedded-bounces at lists.digium.com>
To: asterisk-embedded at lists.digium.com <asterisk-embedded at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Sat Nov 28 20:19:20 2009
Subject: [asterisk-embedded] AA50 File System

Hello all...

Does any know how to access the file system via IP on the AA50? I am interested in the voice mail folder to display and access VMs on a custom touch panel display system.
(maybe AGI?)

btw: not sure if this is available via dev kit.., not a registered developer with Digium as of yet....

thanks - lou

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